Rob the Builder
Growing your business should be exciting, but without the structure to support your sales, your team is going to struggle. That’s why Rob Copenhaver uses his decades of experience in the industry to help CEOs by building a better Sales Organization, and to turn obstacles into opportunities.
Whether working with Start-up or well-established companies, Rob is able to address where the sales organization requires re-building, has room for growth, and where support is needed. Rather than creating a plan and handing it off to the CEO to implement, Rob leads the team implementing changes to the sales organization.
Building Expertise
Rob couldn’t do what he does without having put in the foot work. After earning his BSBA and MBA at Creighton University, he hit the road and implemented his knowledge of optimizing sales for businesses coast to coast. But his education didn’t stop there.
“The best practice is process. The industry is never static, and neither am I. I put my energy into learning and testing new ways to strengthen the practices that are working for my clients, and supporting them when it’s time to make a change.”
Building Trust
Rob specializes in reading trends and creating a sustainable practice for his clients, who will be better equipped to adapt to changes.
“When your company is experiencing growth, it can get incredibly stressful! My mission is to teach companies how to consistently inventory their needs, assess and optimize their strengths, and create actionable strategies to scale their growth.”
His ability to repeat these successes with business after business is proof of his method’s adaptability.
Building Relationships
“Everyone loves the David vs Goliath dynamic, and in Omaha and Lincoln, the Davids are finally starting to outnumber the Goliaths, and they deserve their success!” Today it is not about the large corporation squashing the small company, but the quick company eating the slow giant.
Rob loves working with small businesses, helping them use their power and flexibility to get the most out of every day. Without having a worldwide corporation to answer to, the businesses are able to do what’s right for their customers and their employees.
“Small businesses get more out of every win. It’s incredibly rewarding to watch a local company thrive, and then immediately turn those wins over to their community. I was raised here, so bringing what I learned on the road and using it to help my hometown succeed, it’s a dream job.”
Building Success
Rob knows how passionate Nebraskans are about serving their community because he brings that same passion to each of his clients. He also knows that you can’t continue to serve unless your business is successful.
His ability to drive businesses to more consistent wins is what has earned Rob the Builder the trust of Nebraska business owners, and he’s ready to earn yours next!